Tag Archives: heartfelt conclusion

Please tell me when I write like a fool, because I have no idea

I don’t know what to write about today. I am not a writer and I have no idea how to do it good well. If I have tricked you into thinking I am, then ravioli holy cannoli! Congratulations! You have finished this post early and now you may go visit your other internet friends.

I forget / mostly don’t know the rules of grammar and punctuation and all that other hullabaloo. Period in or outside parentheses? To who or whom? Not ending a sentence on a preposition…don’t get me started. Okay, I have already started. I know that banner I have on the left is breaking that rule, and I keep meaning to change it, but I always find something better to do. I am also a terrible speller. If I ever get married, I will be haunted by my Google search history. “Oh the words she doesn’t know how to spell!” he will sob.

Heartfelt conclusion: your encouragement has lifted my spirit. I have never been so affirmed that I could write, make people laugh or expound on something insightful. I knew I had too many thoughts to contain to myself (hence this online teepee). I just didn’t know I would have smart people with diverse backgrounds tell me that it works. I have a lot more to say, but I would rather end this post like Friends than Two and a Half Men. Wait — Two and a Half Men still exists…and I’m still writing…fiddlesticks.

Note to reader: Google did not pay me to mention them in this post.

photos via here